// Base Theme - Product Filter Bar Javascript Document
function ec_product_show_quick_view_link( modelnum ){
jQuery('#ec_product_quick_view_' + modelnum).fadeIn(100);
function ec_product_hide_quick_view_link( modelnum ){
jQuery('#ec_product_quick_view_' + modelnum).fadeOut(100);
function ec_product_show_quick_view( modelnum ){
jQuery('#ec_product_quick_view_box_' + modelnum).fadeIn(100);
function ec_product_hide_quick_view( modelnum ){
jQuery('#ec_product_quick_view_box_' + modelnum).fadeOut(100);
function ec_thumb_quick_view_click( modelnum, level, imgnum ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 1 + "_" + level ) ){
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 1 + "_" + level ).hide();
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 2 + "_" + level ) )
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 2 + "_" + level ).hide();
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 3 + "_" + level ) )
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 3 + "_" + level ).hide();
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 4 + "_" + level ) )
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 4 + "_" + level ).hide();
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 5 + "_" + level ) )
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 5 + "_" + level ).hide();
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + imgnum + "_" + level ).show();
function ec_image_quick_view_click( modelnum, level, imgnum ){
return false;
function product_quantity_change( ){
// Possibly do something on quantity change
function ec_swatch_quick_view_click( modelnum, level, imgnum ){
if( level == 1 && document.getElementById( 'use_optionitem_images_' + modelnum ).value == 1 ){
ec_image_quick_view_update( modelnum, level, imgnum );
if(document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + level + "_" + imgnum ).className != "ec_product_swatch_out_of_stock"){
var i=0;
while( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + level + "_" + i ) ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + level + "_" + i ).className != "ec_product_swatch_out_of_stock"){
document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + level + "_" + i ).className = "ec_product_swatch";
document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + level + "_" + imgnum ).className = "ec_product_swatch_selected";
function ec_image_quick_view_update( modelnum, level, imgnum ){
if(this.document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + modelnum + "_" + level + "_" + imgnum ).className != "ec_product_swatch_out_of_stock"){
var i=0;
while( this.document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + modelnum + "_" + level + "_" + i ) ){
if(this.document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 1 + "_" + i ))
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 1 + "_" + i ).hide();
if(this.document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 2 + "_" + i ))
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 2 + "_" + i ).hide();
if(this.document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 3 + "_" + i ))
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 3 + "_" + i ).hide();
if(this.document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 4 + "_" + i ))
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 4 + "_" + i ).hide();
if(this.document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 5 + "_" + i ))
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 5 + "_" + i ).hide();
if(this.document.getElementById( 'ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 1 + "_" + i ))
jQuery('#ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 1 + "_" + i ).hide();
if(this.document.getElementById( 'ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 2 + "_" + i ))
jQuery('#ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 2 + "_" + i ).hide();
if(this.document.getElementById( 'ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 3 + "_" + i ))
jQuery('#ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 3 + "_" + i ).hide();
if(this.document.getElementById( 'ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 4 + "_" + i ))
jQuery('#ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 4 + "_" + i ).hide();
if(this.document.getElementById( 'ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 5 + "_" + i ))
jQuery('#ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 5 + "_" + i ).hide();
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 1 + "_" + imgnum ).show();
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 1 + "_" + imgnum ) )
jQuery('#ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 1 + "_" + imgnum ).show();
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 2 + "_" + imgnum ) )
jQuery('#ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 2 + "_" + imgnum ).show();
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 3 + "_" + imgnum ) )
jQuery('#ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 3 + "_" + imgnum ).show();
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 4 + "_" + imgnum ) )
jQuery('#ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 4 + "_" + imgnum ).show();
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 5 + "_" + imgnum ) )
jQuery('#ec_thumb_quick_view_' + modelnum + "_" + 5 + "_" + imgnum ).show();
function ec_product_image_click( model, level, num ){
return true;
function ec_image_click( model, level, num ){
return true; // just go to the link
function ec_product_details_swap_image( modelnum, level, imgnum ){
var i=1;
while( document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + '_' + i + '_' + level ) ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + '_' + i + '_' + level ).className = 'ec_product_image_inactive';
document.getElementById( 'ec_image_quick_view_' + modelnum + '_' + imgnum + '_' + level ).className = 'ec_product_image';
var content_width = 1000;
jQuery( document ).ready( function( ){
content_width = jQuery( "#ec_product_page" ).width( );
resize_product_layout( );
jQuery( window ).resize( function( ){
if( content_width != jQuery( "#ec_product_page" ).width( ) ){
content_width = jQuery( "#ec_product_page" ).width( );
resize_product_layout( );
function resize_product_layout( ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_mag_viewer' ) ){
var position_top = jQuery( '.ec_product_details_left_side' ).offset().top;
var margin_bottom = parseInt( jQuery( '.ec_product_details_top_bar' ).css( "margin-bottom" ) );
jQuery( '#ec_product_details_mag_viewer' ).css( "top", position_top + margin_bottom + 2 );
var product_width = jQuery( "#ec_product_item1" ).width( );
var num_products_per_row = Math.floor( content_width / product_width );
var remaining_space = content_width - ( num_products_per_row * product_width );
var margin_between_product = remaining_space / ( ( ( num_products_per_row - 1 ) * 2 ) );
if( Number(margin_between_product) < 1 )
margin_between_product = 0;
var i = 0;
while( document.getElementById( "ec_product_item" + (i+1) ) ){
if( i%num_products_per_row == 0 ){ //This is left product
document.getElementById( "ec_product_item" + (i+1) ).setAttribute("class", "ec_product left");
}else if( i%num_products_per_row == num_products_per_row-1 ){ // This is the right product
document.getElementById( "ec_product_item" + (i+1) ).setAttribute("class", "ec_product right");
}else{ // This is a middle product
document.getElementById( "ec_product_item" + (i+1) ).setAttribute("class", "ec_product middle");
// Change class for left products so margins are correct
jQuery( ".ec_product.left" ).css( "margin-left", "0px" );
jQuery( ".ec_product.left" ).css( "margin-right", margin_between_product + "px" );
// Change class for middle products so margins are correct
jQuery( ".ec_product.middle" ).css( "margin-left", margin_between_product + "px" );
jQuery( ".ec_product.middle" ).css( "margin-right", margin_between_product + "px" );
// Change class for right products so margins are correct
jQuery( ".ec_product.right" ).css( "margin-left", margin_between_product + "px" );
jQuery( ".ec_product.right" ).css( "margin-right", "0px" );
}// Base Theme - Product Filter Bar Javascript Document// JavaScript Document// EC Product Page JavaScript Document
function change_product_sort(menu_id, menu_name, submenu_id, submenu_name, subsubmenu_id, subsubmenu_name, manufacturer_id, pricepoint_id, currentpage_selected, perpage, URL, divider){
var url_string = URL + divider + "filternum=" + document.getElementById('sortfield').value;
if( subsubmenu_id != 0 ){
url_string = url_string + "&subsubmenuid=" + subsubmenu_id;
if( subsubmenu_name != 0 )
url_string = url_string + "&subsubmenu=" + subsubmenu_name;
}else if( submenu_id != 0 ){
url_string = url_string + "&submenuid=" + submenu_id;
if( submenu_name != 0 )
url_string = url_string + "&submenu=" + submenu_name;
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url_string = url_string + "&menuid=" + menu_id;
if( menu_name != 0 )
url_string = url_string + "&menu=" + menu_name;
if( manufacturer_id > 0 )
url_string = url_string + "&manufacturer=" + manufacturer_id;
if( pricepoint_id > 0 )
url_string = url_string + "&pricepoint=" + pricepoint_id;
if( currentpage_selected )
url_string = url_string + "&pagenum=" + currentpage_selected;
if( perpage )
url_string = url_string + "&perpage=" + perpage;
window.location = url_string;
function() {
// Initialize the available quick view boxes
jQuery(".ec_product_quick_view_box_holder").each( function( ){
var temp_split = jQuery( this ).attr( "id" ).split( "ec_product_quick_view_box_" );
ec_initialize_options_product( temp_split[1] );
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_magbox' ) ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_description_tab' ) ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_specifications' ) )
jQuery( '#ec_product_details_specifications' ).hide( );
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_customer_reviews' ) )
jQuery( '#ec_product_details_customer_reviews' ).hide( );
jQuery('.ec_product_details_images img').hover(
function (){
if( jQuery(window).width() > 960 ){
if( !jQuery.browser.msie ){
var hasTouch = ("ontouchstart" in window);
if( !hasTouch ){
function (){
if( !jQuery.browser.msie ){
var position_top = jQuery( '.ec_product_details_left_side' ).offset().top;
var margin_bottom = parseInt( jQuery( '.ec_product_details_top_bar' ).css( "margin-bottom" ) );
jQuery( '#ec_product_details_mag_viewer' ).css( "top", position_top + margin_bottom + 2 );
jQuery(document).bind('mousemove', function( e ){
jQuery('#ec_product_details_magbox').css({ 'left': e.pageX - jQuery(e.target).offset().left - 20, 'top': e.pageY - jQuery(e.target).offset().top + 225});
// top left position, image should be 0,0
// top right position, image should be at -550, 0
// bottom left position, image should be at 0, -550
// bottom right position, image should be at -550, -550
var mag_box_size = 350;
var small_img_width = 350;
var small_img_height = 350;
var large_img_width = 800;
var large_img_height = 800;
var move_width = large_img_width - mag_box_size;
var move_height = large_img_height - mag_box_size;
var left_pos = e.pageX - jQuery( e.target ).offset( ).left;
var top_pos = e.pageY - jQuery( e.target).offset( ).top;
// %accross * amount to move * negative move distance
var left = ( left_pos / small_img_width ) * move_width * -1;
var top = ( top_pos / small_img_height ) * move_height * -1;
jQuery('#ec_product_details_mag_viewer img').css({ 'left': left, 'top': top});
// tab listener
function update_content_areas( item_num ){
if( item_num == 1 ){
jQuery( '#ec_product_details_description' ).show( );
document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_description_tab' ).className = "ec_product_details_tab_selected";
jQuery( '#ec_product_details_description' ).hide( );
document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_description_tab' ).className = "ec_product_details_tab";
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_specifications' ) ){
if( item_num == 2 ){
jQuery( '#ec_product_details_specifications' ).show( );
document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_specifications_tab' ).className = "ec_product_details_tab_selected";
jQuery( '#ec_product_details_specifications' ).hide( );
document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_specifications_tab' ).className = "ec_product_details_tab";
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_customer_reviews' ) ){
if( item_num == 3 ){
jQuery( '#ec_product_details_customer_reviews' ).show( );
document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_customer_reviews_tab' ).className = "ec_product_details_tab_selected";
jQuery( '#ec_product_details_customer_reviews' ).hide( );
document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_customer_reviews_tab' ).className = "ec_product_details_tab";
// Set initial variables
var model_number = "";
var product_id = "";
var current_rating = -1;
var selected_option_quantity = 0;
/////////////// OPTION FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////
// Once the page has loaded we can initialize the commonly used variables.
function ec_update_product_details_variables( ){
model_number = document.getElementById( 'model_number' ).value;
product_id = document.getElementById('product_id').value;
// Initialize the product details page for option sets
function ec_initialize_options( ){
ec_update_product_details_variables( );
if( ec_uses_stock_quantities( model_number ) ){
if( ec_is_swatch_set( 1 ) ) ec_set_swatches_by_stock_quantities( 1 );
else if( ec_is_combo_box( 1 ) ) ec_set_combo_by_stock_quantities( 1 );
if( ec_is_swatch_set( 1 ) && ec_is_swatch_set( 2 )) ec_set_swatches_by_stock_quantities( 2 );
else if( ec_is_swatch_set( 1 ) && ec_is_combo_box( 2 )) ec_set_combo_by_stock_quantities( 2 );
else if( ec_is_swatch_set( 2 ) ) ec_clear_swatch_set( 2 );
else if( ec_is_combo_box( 2 ) ) ec_clear_combo_box( 2 );
if( ec_is_swatch_set( 3 ) ) ec_clear_swatch_set( 3 );
else if( ec_is_combo_box( 3 ) ) ec_clear_combo_box( 3 );
if( ec_is_swatch_set( 4 ) ) ec_clear_swatch_set( 4 );
else if( ec_is_combo_box( 4 ) ) ec_clear_combo_box( 4 );
if( ec_is_swatch_set( 5 ) ) ec_clear_swatch_set( 5 );
else if( ec_is_combo_box( 5 ) ) ec_clear_combo_box( 5 );
function ec_initialize_options_product( modnum ){
model_number = modnum;
if( ec_uses_stock_quantities( modnum ) ){
if( ec_is_swatch_set( 1 ) ) ec_set_swatches_by_stock_quantities( 1 );
else if( ec_is_combo_box( 1 ) ) ec_set_combo_by_stock_quantities( 1 );
if( ec_is_swatch_set( 1 ) && ec_is_swatch_set( 2 )) ec_set_swatches_by_stock_quantities( 2 );
else if( ec_is_swatch_set( 1 ) && ec_is_combo_box( 2 )) ec_set_combo_by_stock_quantities( 2 );
else if( ec_is_swatch_set( 2 ) ) ec_clear_swatch_set( 2 );
else if( ec_is_combo_box( 2 ) ) ec_clear_combo_box( 2 );
if( ec_is_swatch_set( 3 ) ) ec_clear_swatch_set( 3 );
else if( ec_is_combo_box( 3 ) ) ec_clear_combo_box( 3 );
if( ec_is_swatch_set( 4 ) ) ec_clear_swatch_set( 4 );
else if( ec_is_combo_box( 4 ) ) ec_clear_combo_box( 4 );
if( ec_is_swatch_set( 5 ) ) ec_clear_swatch_set( 5 );
else if( ec_is_combo_box( 5 ) ) ec_clear_combo_box( 5 );
// When a swatch changes, update the state of the page
function ec_swatch_click( modelnum, level, num ){
model_number = modelnum;
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + num ) )
element_name = 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + num;
element_name = 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + num;
if( document.getElementById( element_name ).className != "ec_product_swatch_out_of_stock" ){
// Update the selected optionitem_id
document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number ).value = document.getElementById( element_name ).getAttribute( "data-optionitemid" );
// If first level, AND uses option item images, swap out the product image
if( ec_uses_optionitem_images( ) && level == 1 ){
ec_update_product_details_images( num, level );
// Update the swatches to reflect the new selection
ec_update_swatch_images( level, num );
// If we use stock quantities, update the next box to reflect the correct stock count
if( ec_uses_stock_quantities( ) ){
ec_update_next_option_level( level, num );
}//close if uses stock quantities
}//close check for out of stock
}//close ec_product_details_swatch_change
// Run when the combo box changes
function ec_product_details_combo_change( level, modelnum ){
model_number = modelnum;
// Only update stock stuff if this product uses that option.
if( ec_uses_stock_quantities( model_number ) ){
// If the user selected a value (not index 0!)
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number ).selectedIndex > 0 ){
if( ec_uses_optionitem_images( ) && level == 1 ){
ec_update_product_details_images( level, document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number ).selectedIndex - 1 );
ec_update_next_option_level( level, document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number ).selectedIndex );
// Otherwise reset to the previous level or reset all if level 1
if( level == 1 ){
if( ec_uses_optionitem_images( ) ){
ec_update_product_details_images( level, 0 );
ec_update_next_option_level( level, document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number ).selectedIndex - 1 );
ec_update_next_option_level( level-1, get_selected_option_index( level - 1) );
}//close if/else for level 1
}//close if/else for 0 index check
}//close check if uses stock quantities
}// close ec_option_combo_change
// Swap the product image
function ec_thumb_click( modelnum, image_index, image_number ){
var model_number = modelnum;
var i=1;
while( document.getElementById( 'ec_image_' + model_number + "_" + i + "_" + image_index ) ){
jQuery('#ec_image_' + model_number + "_" + i + "_" + image_index ).hide();
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + model_number + "_" + i + "_" + image_index ).hide();
jQuery('#ec_image_' + model_number + "_" + image_number + "_" + image_index ).show();
jQuery('#ec_image_quick_view_' + model_number + "_" + image_number + "_" + image_index ).show();
// Update the swatch image classes
function ec_update_swatch_images( level, num ){
// Only change the swatch if someone clicked a swatch that is in stock
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + num ) )
element_name = 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_";
element_name = 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_";
// Only update a swatch image if it isn't out of stock!
if(this.document.getElementById( element_name + num ).className != "ec_product_swatch_out_of_stock" ){
var i=0;
element_name_temp = element_name + i;
while( document.getElementById( element_name_temp ) ){
//Don't touch out of stock swatches
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + i ) &&
document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + i ).className != "ec_product_swatch_out_of_stock" ){
ec_set_element_class_name( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + i, "ec_product_swatch" );
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + i ) &&
document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + i ).className != "ec_product_swatch_out_of_stock" ){
ec_set_element_class_name( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + i, "ec_product_swatch" );
element_name_temp = element_name + i;
ec_set_element_class_name( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + num, "ec_product_swatch_selected" );
ec_set_element_class_name( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + num, "ec_product_swatch_selected" );
// Update the next option level
function ec_update_next_option_level( level, num ){
if( ec_uses_stock_quantities( model_number ) ){
// Check for a resetting combo box, manage the quantity values different for this.
if( ec_is_combo_box( level ) && num == 0 ){
// Reset this combo box, lets revert the quantities
selected_option_quantity = get_stock_amount( level-1, get_selected_option_index( level-1 ) );
if( document.getElementById( 'in_stock_amount_text_' + model_number ) )
document.getElementById( 'in_stock_amount_text_' + model_number ).innerHTML = selected_option_quantity;
else if( document.getElementById( 'in_stock_amount_text' ) )
document.getElementById( 'in_stock_amount_text' ).innerHTML = selected_option_quantity;
if( document.getElementById( 'quantity_' + model_number ) )
document.getElementById( 'quantity_' + model_number ).value = selected_option_quantity;
// We are moving forward, update quantities and options
selected_option_quantity = get_stock_amount( level, num );
if( document.getElementById( 'in_stock_amount_text_' + model_number ) )
document.getElementById( 'in_stock_amount_text_' + model_number ).innerHTML = selected_option_quantity;
else if( document.getElementById( 'in_stock_amount_text' ) )
document.getElementById( 'in_stock_amount_text' ).innerHTML = selected_option_quantity;
if( document.getElementById( 'quantity_' + model_number ) )
document.getElementById( 'quantity_' + model_number ).value = selected_option_quantity;
if( Number(level) < 5 ){
level = Number(level)+1;
if( ec_is_swatch_set( level ) ) ec_set_swatches_by_stock_quantities( level );
else if( ec_is_combo_box( level ) ) ec_set_combo_by_stock_quantities( level );
while( level < 5 ){
if( ec_is_swatch_set( level ) ) ec_clear_swatch_set( level );
else if( ec_is_combo_box( level ) ) ec_clear_combo_box( level );
// Update swatches in the NEXT level based on quantities
function ec_set_swatches_by_stock_quantities( level ){
//If this level has swatches, update the swatches to match stock quantities
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_0' ) ){
var i=0;
while( document.getElementById('ec_swatch_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ) ){
if( level != 1 )
document.getElementById('ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number).value = 0;
if( level == 1 && i == document.getElementById( 'initial_swatch_selected_' + model_number ).value ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ) )
document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ).className = "ec_product_swatch_selected";
selected_option_quantity = get_stock_amount(level, i);
if( document.getElementById('in_stock_amount_text') )
document.getElementById('in_stock_amount_text').innerHTML = selected_option_quantity;
}else if( ec_is_in_stock( level, i ) ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ) )
document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ).className = "ec_product_swatch";
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ) )
document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ).className = "ec_product_swatch_out_of_stock";
}else if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_0' ) ){
var i=0;
while( document.getElementById('ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ) ){
if( level == 1 && i == document.getElementById( 'initial_swatch_selected_' + model_number ).value ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ) )
document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ).className = "ec_product_swatch_selected";
selected_option_quantity = get_stock_amount(level, i);
if( document.getElementById('in_stock_amount_text') )
document.getElementById('in_stock_amount_text').innerHTML = selected_option_quantity;
}else if( ec_is_in_stock( level, i ) ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ) )
document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ).className = "ec_product_swatch";
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ) )
document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + '_' + level + '_' + i ).className = "ec_product_swatch_out_of_stock";
// Update combo in the NEXT level based on quantities
function ec_set_combo_by_stock_quantities( level ){
//If this level has swatches, update the swatches to match stock quantities
if(level > 1 && get_selected_option_index(level-1) == -1){
document.getElementById('ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number).disabled = "disabled";
document.getElementById('ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number).selectedIndex = 0;
document.getElementById('ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number).disabled = "";
document.getElementById('ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number).selectedIndex = 0;
//Hide or show items
for(var i=1; i 0){
jQuery("#ec_option"+level+"_"+model_number+" option[value=" + document.getElementById('ec_option'+level+"_"+model_number).options[i].value + "]").show();
jQuery("#ec_option"+level+"_"+model_number+" option[value=" + document.getElementById('ec_option'+level+"_"+model_number).options[i].value + "]").hide();
// Clear a swatch set
function ec_clear_swatch_set( set_num ){
if(document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + '_' + set_num + '_0' ) ){
var i=0;
while( document.getElementById('ec_swatch_' + model_number + '_' + set_num + '_' + i ) ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + '_' + set_num + '_' + i ).className = "ec_product_swatch_out_of_stock";
document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view' + model_number + '_' + set_num + '_' + i ).className = "ec_product_swatch_out_of_stock";
document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + set_num + "_" + model_number ).value = 0;
// Get an option's specific stock quantity
function get_stock_amount( level, num ){
if( num == -1 )
num = 0;
// Get the quantity string off of the element
var quantity_string = "";
if( ec_is_swatch_set( level ) && document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + num ) )
quantity_string = document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + num ).getAttribute("data-quantitystring");
else if( ec_is_swatch_set( level ) && document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + num ) )
quantity_string = document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_quick_view_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + num ).getAttribute("data-quantitystring");
else if( ec_is_combo_box( level ) && document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number ) )
quantity_string = document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number ).options[num].getAttribute('data-quantitystring');
else if( ec_is_combo_box( level ) && document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_quick_view_" + model_number ) )
quantity_string = document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_quick_view_" + model_number ).options[num].getAttribute('data-quantitystring');
else return -1;
// If level 1, that is the value, otherwise we need to split and find the quantity value.
if(level == 1){
return Number(quantity_string);
// Get the selected values so far
var quantity_split_string = quantity_string.split(",");
var option1_index = Number(get_selected_option_index(1));
var option2_index = Number(get_selected_option_index(2));
var option3_index = Number(get_selected_option_index(3));
var option4_index = Number(get_selected_option_index(4));
var option5_index = Number(get_selected_option_index(5));
var quantity_id = 0;
// Use the selected index values to decide the correct index of our quantity string split
if(option1_index != -1 && level == 2)
quantity_id = option1_index;
else if(option2_index != -1 && level == 3)
quantity_id = ( option1_index * get_num_options(2) ) + option2_index;
else if(option3_index != -1 && level == 4)
quantity_id = ( option1_index * get_num_options(2) * get_num_options(3) ) + ( option2_index * get_num_options(3) ) + option3_index;
else if(option4_index != -1 && level == 5)
quantity_id = ( option1_index * get_num_options(2) * get_num_options(3) * get_num_options(4) ) + ( option2_index * get_num_options(3) * get_num_options(4) ) + ( option3_index * get_num_options(4) ) + option4_index;
// Return the correct quantity value.
return Number(quantity_split_string[quantity_id]);
// Get the number of options at this level for other calculations
function get_num_options( level ){
if( ec_is_swatch_set( level ) ){
var i = 0;
while( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + i )){
return i;
}else if( ec_is_combo_box( level ) ){
return Number( document.getElementById('ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number).options.length ) - 1;
return 0;
// Get the selected optionitem index for an option level
function get_selected_option_index( level ){
if(document.getElementById('ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number)){
if( ec_is_swatch_set( level ) ){
var i=0;
while( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + i ) ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_swatch_' + model_number + "_" + level + "_" + i ).className == "ec_product_swatch_selected" ){
return i;
return -1;
}else if( ec_is_combo_box( level ) ){
return ( Number( document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_" + model_number ).selectedIndex ) - 1 );
return -1;
return -1;
///////////// END OPTION FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////
///////////// CUSTOMER REVIEW FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////
// Open Customer Review Panel
function product_details_customer_review_open( ){
jQuery( '#customer_review_popup_background' ).fadeIn( 500 );
jQuery( '#customer_review_popup_box' ).fadeIn( 500 );
}//close product_details_customer_review_open
// Close Customer Review Panel
function product_details_customer_review_close( ){
jQuery( '#customer_review_popup_background' ).fadeOut( 500 );
jQuery( '#customer_review_popup_box' ).fadeOut( 500 );
}//close product_details_customer_review_close
// On star hover
function ec_customer_review_star_hover( rating ){
// On star rollout
function ec_customer_review_star_rollout( rating ){
// On star click
function ec_customer_review_star_click( rating ){
current_rating = rating;
document.getElementById('ec_customer_review_rating').value = rating+1;
// Set the value of the review based on the selected value
function ec_customer_review_star_set_to_value( rating ){
for(var i=0; i 1 )
return true;
else if( !ec_is_swatch_set( level ) &&
document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_quick_view_" + model_number ) &&
document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_quick_view_" + model_number ).options &&
document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + level + "_quick_view_" + model_number ).options.length > 1 )
return true;
else return false;
function ec_is_in_stock( level, num ){
if( get_stock_amount( level, num ) ) return true;
else return false;
function ec_clear_combo_box( set_num ){
if(document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + set_num + "_" + model_number )){
document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + set_num + "_" + model_number ).selectedIndex = 0;
document.getElementById( 'ec_option' + set_num + "_" + model_number ).disabled = "disabled";
////////// FORM SUBMISSION FUNCTIONS /////////////////////
// Submit the customer review form
function submit_customer_review(){
var errors=0;
if(document.getElementById('ec_customer_review_rating').value == 0){
document.getElementById('ec_customer_review_rating_error').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('ec_customer_review_rating_error').style.display = 'none';
if(document.getElementById('ec_customer_review_title').value.length == 0){
document.getElementById('ec_product_details_customer_reviews_popup_label_title').className = 'ec_product_details_customer_reviews_popup_label_row_error';
document.getElementById('ec_product_details_customer_reviews_popup_label_title').className = 'ec_product_details_customer_reviews_popup_label_row';
if(document.getElementById('ec_customer_review_description').value.length == 0){
document.getElementById('ec_product_details_customer_reviews_popup_label_description').className = 'ec_product_details_customer_reviews_popup_label_row_error';
document.getElementById('ec_product_details_customer_reviews_popup_label_description').className = 'ec_product_details_customer_reviews_popup_label_row';
if(errors == 0){
var data = {
action: 'ec_ajax_insert_customer_review',
product_id: document.getElementById('product_id').value,
rating: document.getElementById('ec_customer_review_rating').value,
title: document.getElementById('ec_customer_review_title').value,
description: document.getElementById('ec_customer_review_description').value
jQuery.ajax({url: ajax_object.ajax_url, type: 'post', data: data, success: function(data){ jQuery('#ec_customer_review_loader').fadeOut(100); product_details_customer_review_close(); product_details_customer_review_reset_form(); disable_review_button(); } } );
return false;
// Add to cart function
function ec_product_details_add_to_cart( modelnum ){
model_number = modelnum;
var errors = 0;
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_option1_' + model_number ) ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_option1_' + model_number ).value == "0" ){
if( ec_is_combo_box( 1 ) ) document.getElementById( 'ec_option1_' + model_number ).className = "ec_product_details_option_combo_error";
else ec_show_swatch_error( 1 );
if( ec_is_combo_box( 1 ) ) document.getElementById( 'ec_option1_' + model_number ).className = "ec_product_details_option_combo";
else ec_hide_swatch_error( 1 );
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_option2_' + model_number ) ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_option2_' + model_number ).value == "0"){
if( ec_is_combo_box( 2 ) ) document.getElementById( 'ec_option2_' + model_number ).className = "ec_product_details_option_combo_error";
else ec_show_swatch_error( 2 );
if( ec_is_combo_box( 2 ) ) document.getElementById( 'ec_option2_' + model_number ).className = "ec_product_details_option_combo";
else ec_hide_swatch_error( 2 );
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_option3_' + model_number ) ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_option3_' + model_number ).value == "0"){
if( ec_is_combo_box( 3 ) ) document.getElementById( 'ec_option3_' + model_number ).className = "ec_product_details_option_combo_error";
else ec_show_swatch_error( 3 );
if( ec_is_combo_box( 3 ) ) document.getElementById( 'ec_option3_' + model_number ).className = "ec_product_details_option_combo";
else ec_hide_swatch_error( 3 );
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_option4_' + model_number ) ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_option4_' + model_number ).value == "0"){
if( ec_is_combo_box( 4 ) ) document.getElementById( 'ec_option4_' + model_number ).className = "ec_product_details_option_combo_error";
else ec_show_swatch_error( 4 );
if( ec_is_combo_box( 4 ) ) document.getElementById( 'ec_option4_' + model_number ).className = "ec_product_details_option_combo";
else ec_hide_swatch_error( 4 );
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_option5_' + model_number ) ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_option5_' + model_number ).value == "0"){
if( ec_is_combo_box( 5 ) ) document.getElementById( 'ec_option5_' + model_number ).className = "ec_product_details_option_combo_error";
else ec_show_swatch_error( 5 );
if( ec_is_combo_box( 5 ) ) document.getElementById( 'ec_option5_' + model_number ).className = "ec_product_details_option_combo";
else ec_hide_swatch_error( 5 );
if( document.getElementById( 'is_donation_' + model_number ) && document.getElementById( 'is_donation_' + model_number ).value == "1" ){
var donation_amount = document.getElementById( 'ec_product_input_price' ).value;
var min_amount = document.getElementById( 'ec_product_min_donation_amount' ).value;
if( isNaN( donation_amount ) || Number( donation_amount ) < min_amount ){
document.getElementById('ec_product_details_donation_row').className = "ec_product_details_donation_error";
document.getElementById('ec_product_details_donation_row').className = "ec_product_details_donation";
if( ( ec_track_basic_quantity( model_number ) && !ec_check_basic_quantity( model_number ) ) || !ec_has_valid_quantity( model_number, selected_option_quantity ) ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_quantity_' + model_number ).className = "ec_product_details_quantity_error";
document.getElementById( 'ec_product_details_quantity_' + model_number ).className = "ec_product_details_quantity";
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_message_' + model_number ) && document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_message_' + model_number ).value.length == 0 ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_message_' + model_number ).className = "ec_gift_card_message_error";
}else if( document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_message_' + model_number ) ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_message_' + model_number ).className = "ec_gift_card_message";
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_to_name_' + model_number ) && document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_to_name_' + model_number ).value.length == 0 ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_to_name_' + model_number ).className = "ec_gift_card_to_name_error";
}else if( document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_to_name_' + model_number ) ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_to_name_' + model_number ).className = "ec_gift_card_to_name";
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_from_name_' + model_number ) && document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_from_name_' + model_number ).value.length == 0 ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_from_name_' + model_number ).className = "ec_gift_card_from_name_error";
}else if( document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_from_name_' + model_number ) ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_gift_card_from_name_' + model_number ).className = "ec_gift_card_from_name";
if(errors == 0)
return true;
return false;
function ec_track_basic_quantity( model_number ){
if( document.getElementById( 'show_stock_quantity_' + model_number ) && document.getElementById( 'show_stock_quantity_' + model_number ).value == "1" )
return true;
return false;
function ec_check_basic_quantity( model_number ){
var quantity = Number( document.getElementById( 'product_quantity_' + model_number ).value );
var stock_quantity = Number( document.getElementById( 'quantity_' + model_number ).value );
if( quantity <= stock_quantity )
return true;
return false;
function ec_has_valid_quantity( model_number, selected_option_quantity ){
var quantity = Number( document.getElementById( 'product_quantity_' + model_number ).value );
if( !is_valid_quantity_entry( model_number ) || ( ec_uses_stock_quantities( model_number ) && quantity > selected_option_quantity ) )
return false;
return true;
function is_valid_quantity_entry( model_number ){
if( isNaN( document.getElementById( 'product_quantity_' + model_number ).value ) || Number( document.getElementById('product_quantity_' + model_number).value ) < 1 )
return false;
return true;
function ec_show_swatch_error( level ){
var error_text = "Please select all options for this product.";
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_quick_view_error_' + model_number ) ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_quick_view_error_' + model_number ).innerHTML = error_text;
jQuery( '#ec_quick_view_error_' + model_number ).fadeIn(200);
function ec_hide_swatch_error( level ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_quick_view_error_' + model_number ) ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_quick_view_error_' + model_number ).innerHTML = "";
jQuery( '#ec_quick_view_error_' + model_number ).fadeOut(100);
}else if( document.getElementById( 'ec_quick_view_error' ) ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_quick_view_error' ).innerHTML = "";
jQuery( '#ec_quick_view_error').fadeOut(100);
function ec_product_details_update_quantity_value( ){
if( document.getElementById( 'use_optionitem_quantity_tracking_' + model_number ) && document.getElementById( 'use_optionitem_quantity_tracking_' + model_number ).value == 1 ){
selected_option_quantity = selected_option_quantity - document.getElementById('product_quantity_' + model_number).value;
document.getElementById('in_stock_amount_text_' + model_number ).innerHTML = selected_option_quantity;
document.getElementById( 'quantity_' + model_number ).value = document.getElementById( 'quantity_' + model_number ).value - document.getElementById( 'product_quantity_' + model_number ).value;
document.getElementById( 'in_stock_amount_text_' + model_number ).innerHTML = document.getElementById( 'quantity_' + model_number ).value;
document.getElementById('product_quantity_' + model_number).value = 1;
function ec_continue_shopping_click(){
function ec_image_click( model, level, num ){
return false;
}// Base Theme - Product Filter Bar Javascript Document// Base Theme - Product Filter Bar Javascript Document// Base Theme - Product Filter Bar Javascript Document// Base Theme - EC Cart Page Javascript Document
function ec_cart_validate_checkout_info( ){
var country_code = document.getElementById('ec_cart_billing_country').value;
var first_name = document.getElementById('ec_contact_first_name').value;
var last_name = document.getElementById('ec_contact_last_name').value;
var create_account = false;
var email = document.getElementById('ec_contact_email').value;
var retype_email = document.getElementById('ec_contact_email_retype').value;
if( document.getElementById('ec_contact_create_account') && document.getElementById('ec_contact_create_account').checked ){
create_account = true;
var password = document.getElementById('ec_contact_password').value;
var retype_password = document.getElementById('ec_contact_password_retype').value;
var shipping_selector = false;
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_use_shipping_for_shipping') && document.getElementById('ec_cart_use_shipping_for_shipping').checked )
shipping_selector = true;
var errors = 0;
var input_names = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'address', 'city', 'state', 'zip', 'country', 'phone'];
for( var i=0; i< input_names.length; i++){
if( input_names[i] == "state" && document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_billing_' + input_names[i] ).options ){
var value = document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_billing_' + input_names[i] ).options[document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_billing_' + input_names[i] ).selectedIndex].value;
var value = document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_billing_' + input_names[i] ).value;
// validate billing
if( !ec_validation( "validate_" + input_names[i], value, country_code ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_cart_billing_' + input_names[i] + '_row').className = "ec_cart_billing_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_cart_billing_' + input_names[i] + '_row').className = "ec_cart_billing_row";
if( shipping_selector ){
for( i=0; i < input_names.length; i++ ){
if( input_names[i] == "state" && document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_shipping_' + input_names[i] ).options ){
var value = document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_shipping_' + input_names[i] ).options[document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_shipping_' + input_names[i] ).selectedIndex].value;
var value = document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_shipping_' + input_names[i] ).value;
// validate shipping
if( !ec_validation( "validate_" + input_names[i], value, country_code ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping_' + input_names[i] + '_row').className = "ec_cart_shipping_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping_' + input_names[i] + '_row').className = "ec_cart_shipping_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_first_name", first_name, country_code ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_contact_first_name_row').className = "ec_cart_contact_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_contact_first_name_row').className = "ec_cart_contact_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_last_name", last_name, country_code ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_contact_last_name_row').className = "ec_cart_contact_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_contact_last_name_row').className = "ec_cart_contact_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_email", email, country_code ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_contact_email_row').className = "ec_cart_contact_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_contact_email_row').className = "ec_cart_contact_information_row";
if( retype_email.length == 0 || email != retype_email ){
document.getElementById('ec_contact_email_retype_row').className = "ec_cart_contact_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_contact_email_retype_row').className = "ec_cart_contact_information_row";
if( create_account ){
if( !ec_validation( "validate_password", password, country_code ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_contact_password_row').className = "ec_cart_contact_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_contact_password_row').className = "ec_cart_contact_information_row";
if( retype_password.length == 0 || password != retype_password ){
document.getElementById('ec_contact_password_retype_row').className = "ec_cart_contact_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_contact_password_retype_row').className = "ec_cart_contact_information_row";
if( errors )
return false;
return true;
function ec_cart_validate_checkout_shipping( ){
var errors = 0;
if ( !jQuery( "input[name='ec_cart_shipping_method']:checked" ).val( ) ){
jQuery( ".ec_cart_shipping_method_row" ).css("color", "#900");
jQuery( ".ec_cart_shipping_method_row" ).css("color", "#999");
if( errors )
return false;
return true;
function ec_cart_validate_checkout_submit_order( ){
var errors = 0;
var payment_type = jQuery('input[name=ec_cart_payment_selection]:checked').val();
if( !document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_pay_by_manual_payment' ) && !document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_pay_by_third_party' ) && !document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_pay_by_credit_card_holder' ) ){
return true;
}else if( payment_type ){
if( payment_type == "credit_card" ){
var payment_method = document.getElementById('ec_cart_payment_type').value;
var card_holder_name = document.getElementById('ec_card_holder_name').value;
var card_number = document.getElementById('ec_card_number').value;
var exp_month = document.getElementById('ec_expiration_month').value;
var exp_year = document.getElementById('ec_expiration_year').value;
var sec_code = document.getElementById('ec_security_code').value;
if( payment_method == "0" ){
document.getElementById('ec_cart_payment_type_row').className = "ec_cart_payment_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_cart_payment_type_row').className = "ec_cart_payment_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_card_holder_name", card_holder_name, payment_method ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_card_holder_name_row').className = "ec_cart_payment_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_card_holder_name_row').className = "ec_cart_payment_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_card_number", card_number, payment_method ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_card_number_row').className = "ec_cart_payment_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_card_number_row').className = "ec_cart_payment_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_expiration_month", exp_month, payment_method ) || !ec_validation( "validate_expiration_year", exp_year, payment_method ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_expiration_date_row').className = "ec_cart_payment_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_expiration_date_row').className = "ec_cart_payment_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_security_code", sec_code, payment_method ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_security_code_row').className = "ec_cart_payment_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_security_code_row').className = "ec_cart_payment_information_row";
if( errors )
return false;
return true;
// Base Theme - EC Cart Javascript Document
function ec_estimate_shipping_click( ){
var data = {
action: 'ec_ajax_estimate_shipping',
zipcode: document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_zip_code' ).value
jQuery.ajax({url: ajax_object.ajax_url, type: 'post', data: data, success: function( data ){ ec_estimate_shipping_complete( data ); } } );
return false;
function ec_estimate_shipping_complete( data ){
var values = data.split("***");
if( values.length == 2 ){
document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping').innerHTML = values[0];
document.getElementById('ec_cart_grandtotal').innerHTML = values[1];
document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping').innerHTML = values[0];
document.getElementById('ec_cart_grandtotal').innerHTML = values[1];
document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping_methods').innerHTML = values[2];
}// Base Theme - EC Cart Item Javascript Document
function ec_cart_item_update( cartitem_id ){
var data = {
action: 'ec_ajax_cartitem_update',
cartitem_id: cartitem_id,
quantity: document.getElementById( 'ec_cartitem_quantity_' + cartitem_id ).value,
session_id: document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_session_id' ).value
ec_cart_item_show_loader( cartitem_id );
jQuery.ajax({url: ajax_object.ajax_url, type: 'post', data: data, success: function( data ){ ec_cart_item_update_finished( data, cartitem_id ); } } );
function ec_cart_item_update_finished( data, cartitem_id ){
ec_cart_item_hide_loader( cartitem_id );
var currency = document.getElementById( 'ec_cartitem_unit_price_' + cartitem_id ).innerHTML.substring(0,1);
var item_unit_price = parseFloat( document.getElementById( 'ec_cartitem_unit_price_' + cartitem_id ).innerHTML.substring(1).replace( /,/g,'') );
var item_quantity = Number( document.getElementById( 'ec_cartitem_quantity_' + cartitem_id ).value ).toFixed(2);
var item_total_price = currency + (item_unit_price * item_quantity).toFixed(2).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
document.getElementById('ec_cartitem_total_' + cartitem_id).innerHTML = item_total_price;
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_zip_code' ) ){
ec_estimate_shipping_click( );
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_subtotal') ){
var data_split = data.split("***");
//document.getElementById('ec_cart_total_items').innerHTML = data_split[0];
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_cartitem_unit_price_' + cartitem_id ) )
document.getElementById( 'ec_cartitem_unit_price_' + cartitem_id ).innerHTML = data_split[0];
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_cartitem_total_' + cartitem_id ) )
document.getElementById( 'ec_cartitem_total_' + cartitem_id ).innerHTML = data_split[1];
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_cartitem_quantity_' + cartitem_id ) )
document.getElementById( 'ec_cartitem_quantity_' + cartitem_id ).value = data_split[2];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_subtotal') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_subtotal').innerHTML = data_split[3];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_tax') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_tax').innerHTML = data_split[4];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping').innerHTML = data_split[5];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_duty') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_duty').innerHTML = data_split[6];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_vat') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_vat').innerHTML = data_split[7];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_discount') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_discount').innerHTML = data_split[8];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_grandtotal') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_grandtotal').innerHTML = data_split[9];
function ec_cart_item_delete( cartitem_id ){
var data = {
action: 'ec_ajax_cartitem_delete',
cartitem_id: cartitem_id,
quantity: document.getElementById( 'ec_cartitem_quantity_' + cartitem_id ).value,
session_id: document.getElementById( 'ec_cart_session_id' ).value
ec_cart_item_show_loader( cartitem_id );
jQuery.ajax({url: ajax_object.ajax_url, type: 'post', data: data, success: function(data){ ec_cart_item_delete_finished( data, cartitem_id ); } } );
function ec_cart_item_delete_finished( data, cartitem_id ){
var data_split = data.split("***");
if( data_split[0] == 0 ){
document.location = document.getElementById('ec_cart_page').value;
ec_cart_item_hide_loader( cartitem_id );
jQuery('#ec_cart_item_' + cartitem_id ).remove();
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_subtotal') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_subtotal').innerHTML = data_split[1];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_tax') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_tax').innerHTML = data_split[2];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping').innerHTML = data_split[3];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_duty') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_duty').innerHTML = data_split[4];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_vat') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_vat').innerHTML = data_split[5];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_discount') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_discount').innerHTML = data_split[6];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_grandtotal') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_grandtotal').innerHTML = data_split[7];
function ec_cart_item_show_loader( cartitem_id ){
jQuery('#ec_cart_item_loader_' + cartitem_id).fadeIn( 100 );
function ec_cart_item_hide_loader( cartitem_id ){
jQuery('#ec_cart_item_loader_' + cartitem_id).fadeOut( 100 );
}// Base Theme - EC Cart Login Javascript Document// Base Theme - EC Cart Billing Javascript Document
function ec_cart_billing_validate_input_update( input_name ){
alert( input_name + " changed" );
var country_code = document.getElementById('ec_cart_billing_country').value;
var value = document.getElementById('ec_cart_billing_' + input_name).value;
// validate billing
if( !ec_validation( "validate_" + input_name, value, country_code ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_cart_billing_' + input_name + '_row').className = "ec_cart_billing_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_cart_billing_' + input_name + '_row').className = "ec_cart_billing_row";
}// Base Theme - EC Cart Shipping Javascript Document
function ec_cart_use_billing_for_shipping_change(){
function ec_cart_use_shipping_for_shipping_change(){
// Base Theme - EC Cart Shipping Method Javascript Document
function ec_cart_shipping_method_change( shipping_method, shipping_price ){
var data = {
action: 'ec_ajax_update_shipping_method',
shipping_method: shipping_method
jQuery.ajax({url: ajax_object.ajax_url, type: 'post', data: data, success: function(data){ ec_cart_shipping_method_change_finished( data ); } } );
function ec_cart_shipping_method_change_finished( data ){
// do nothing.
// Base Theme - EC Cart Coupon Javascript Document
function ec_cart_coupon_code_redeem( ){
var data = {
action: 'ec_ajax_redeem_coupon_code',
couponcode: document.getElementById('ec_cart_coupon_code').value
jQuery.ajax({url: ajax_object.ajax_url, type: 'post', data: data, success: function(data){ ec_cart_coupon_code_redeem_complete( data ); } } );
function ec_cart_coupon_code_redeem_complete( data ){
var data_split = data.split("***");
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_subtotal') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_subtotal').innerHTML = data_split[1];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_tax') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_tax').innerHTML = data_split[2];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping').innerHTML = data_split[3];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_discount') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_discount').innerHTML = data_split[4];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_duty') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_duty').innerHTML = data_split[5];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_vat') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_vat').innerHTML = data_split[6];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_grandtotal') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_grandtotal').innerHTML = data_split[7];
if( data_split.length > 8 ){
document.getElementById('ec_cart_coupon_row_message').innerHTML = data_split[8];
document.getElementById('ec_cart_coupon_row_message').innerHTML = "";
// Base Theme - EC Cart Gift Card Javascript Document
function ec_cart_gift_card_redeem( ){
var data = {
action: 'ec_ajax_redeem_gift_card',
giftcard: document.getElementById('ec_cart_gift_card').value
jQuery.ajax({url: ajax_object.ajax_url, type: 'post', data: data, success: function(data){ ec_cart_gift_card_redeem_complete( data ); } } );
function ec_cart_gift_card_redeem_complete( data ){
var data_split = data.split("***");
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_subtotal') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_subtotal').innerHTML = data_split[1];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_tax') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_tax').innerHTML = data_split[2];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_shipping').innerHTML = data_split[3];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_discount') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_discount').innerHTML = data_split[4];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_duty') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_duty').innerHTML = data_split[5];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_vat') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_vat').innerHTML = data_split[6];
if( document.getElementById('ec_cart_grandtotal') )
document.getElementById('ec_cart_grandtotal').innerHTML = data_split[7];
if( data_split.length > 8 ){
document.getElementById('ec_cart_gift_card_row_message').innerHTML = data_split[8];
document.getElementById('ec_cart_gift_card_row_message').innerHTML = "";
// Base Theme - EC Cart Payment Information Javascript Document
function ec_cart_update_payment_type( payment_type ){
if( payment_type == "manual_bill" )
else if( payment_type == "third_party" )
else if( payment_type == "credit_card" )
}// Base Theme - EC Cart Contact Information Javascript Document
function ec_contact_create_account_change( ){
if( document.getElementById('ec_contact_create_account').checked == true )
jQuery( '#ec_cart_password_input').fadeIn(150);
jQuery( '#ec_cart_password_input').fadeOut(150);
}// Base Theme - EC Cart Submit Order Javascript Document
function ec_cart_submit_order_click(){
var has_errors = false;
if( !ec_cart_payment_method_check( ) ) has_errors = true;
if( !ec_cart_card_holder_name_check( ) ) has_errors = true;
if( !ec_cart_card_number_check( ) ) has_errors = true;
if( !ec_cart_expiration_month_check( ) ) has_errors = true;
if( !ec_cart_expiration_year_check( ) ) has_errors = true;
if( !ec_cart_security_code_check( ) ) has_errors = true;
if( !ec_cart_email_check( ) ) has_errors = true;
if( !ec_cart_email_retype_check( ) ) has_errors = true;
return !has_errors;
function ec_cart_payment_method_check( ){
if( document.getElementById('ec_payment_type').value != 0 ){
ec_text_field_highlight_error_remove( document.getElementById('ec_payment_type') );
return true;
ec_text_field_highlight_error( document.getElementById('ec_payment_type') );
return false;
function ec_cart_card_holder_name_check( ){
if( document.getElementById('ec_card_holder_name').value.length > 0 ){
ec_text_field_highlight_error_remove( document.getElementById('ec_card_holder_name') );
return true;
ec_text_field_highlight_error( document.getElementById('ec_card_holder_name') );
return false;
function ec_cart_card_number_check( ){
if( document.getElementById('ec_card_number').value.length > 0 ){
ec_text_field_highlight_error_remove( document.getElementById('ec_card_number') );
return true;
ec_text_field_highlight_error( document.getElementById('ec_card_number') );
return false;
function ec_cart_expiration_month_check( ){
if( document.getElementById('ec_expiration_month').value != 0 ){
ec_text_field_highlight_error_remove( document.getElementById('ec_expiration_month') );
return true;
ec_text_field_highlight_error( document.getElementById('ec_expiration_month') );
return false;
function ec_cart_expiration_year_check( ){
if( document.getElementById('ec_expiration_year').value != 0 ){
ec_text_field_highlight_error_remove( document.getElementById('ec_expiration_year') );
return true;
ec_text_field_highlight_error( document.getElementById('ec_expiration_year') );
return false;
function ec_cart_security_code_check( ){
if( document.getElementById('ec_security_code').value.length > 0 ){
ec_text_field_highlight_error_remove( document.getElementById('ec_security_code') );
return true;
ec_text_field_highlight_error( document.getElementById('ec_security_code') );
return false;
function ec_cart_email_check( ){
if( document.getElementById('ec_contact_email').value.length > 0 ){
ec_text_field_highlight_error_remove( document.getElementById('ec_contact_email') );
return true;
ec_text_field_highlight_error( document.getElementById('ec_contact_email') );
return false;
function ec_cart_email_retype_check( ){
if( document.getElementById('ec_contact_email_retype').value.length > 0 && document.getElementById('ec_contact_email').value.length == document.getElementById('ec_contact_email_retype').value.length ){
ec_text_field_highlight_error_remove( document.getElementById('ec_contact_email_retype') );
return true;
ec_text_field_highlight_error( document.getElementById('ec_contact_email_retype') );
return false;
function ec_text_field_highlight_error( field ){
field.style.backgroundColor = 'Yellow';
function ec_text_field_highlight_error_remove( field ){
field.style.backgroundColor = 'White';
// JavaScript Document// Base Theme - EC Cart Third Party Javascript Document////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - EC Account Billing Information Javascript Document
function ec_account_billing_information_update_click( ){
var errors = 0;
var first_name = document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_first_name').value;
var last_name = document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_last_name').value;
var address = document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_address').value;
var city = document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_city').value;
var state = document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_state').value;
var zip = document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_zip').value;
var country = document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_country').value;
var phone = document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_phone').value;
if( !ec_validation( "validate_first_name", first_name, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_first_name_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_first_name_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_last_name", last_name, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_last_name_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_last_name_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_address", address, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_address_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_address_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_city", city, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_city_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_city_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_state", state, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_state_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_state_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_zip", zip, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_zip_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_zip_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_country", country, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_country_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_country_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_phone", phone, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_phone_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_billing_information_phone_row').className = "ec_account_billing_information_row";
if( errors > 0 )
return false;
return true;
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - EC Account Dashboard Javascript Document
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - EC Account Login Javascript Document
function ec_account_login_button_click( ){
var errors = 0;
var email = document.getElementById( 'ec_account_login_email' ).value;
var password = document.getElementById( 'ec_account_login_password' ).value;
if( !ec_validation( "validate_email", email, "US" ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_login_email_row').className = "ec_account_login_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_login_email_row').className = "ec_account_login_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_password", password, "US" ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_login_password_row').className = "ec_account_login_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_login_password_row').className = "ec_account_login_row";
if( errors > 0 )
return false;
return true;
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - EC Account Order Details Javascript Document/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - EC Account Orders Javascript Document
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - EC Account Page Javascript Document////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - EC Account Password Javascript Document
function ec_account_password_button_click( ){
var errors = 0;
var password = document.getElementById('ec_account_password_current_password').value;
var new_password = document.getElementById('ec_account_password_new_password').value;
var retype_new_password = document.getElementById('ec_account_password_retype_new_password').value;
if( !ec_validation( "validate_password", password, "US" ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_password_current_password_row').className = "ec_account_password_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_password_current_password_row').className = "ec_account_password_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_password", new_password, "US" ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_password_new_password_row').className = "ec_account_password_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_password_new_password_row').className = "ec_account_password_row";
if( retype_new_password != new_password ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_password_retype_new_password_row').className = "ec_account_password_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_password_retype_new_password_row').className = "ec_account_password_row";
if( errors > 0 )
return false;
return true;
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - EC Account Personal Information Javascript Document
function ec_account_personal_information_update_click( ){
var errors = 0;
var first_name = document.getElementById('ec_account_personal_information_first_name').value;
var last_name = document.getElementById('ec_account_personal_information_last_name').value;
var email = document.getElementById('ec_account_personal_information_email').value;
if( !ec_validation( "validate_first_name", first_name, "US" ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_personal_information_first_name_row').className = "ec_account_personal_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_personal_information_first_name_row').className = "ec_account_personal_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_last_name", last_name, "US" ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_personal_information_last_name_row').className = "ec_account_personal_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_personal_information_last_name_row').className = "ec_account_personal_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_email", email, "US" ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_personal_information_email_row').className = "ec_account_personal_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_personal_information_email_row').className = "ec_account_personal_information_row";
if( errors > 0 )
return false;
return true;
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - EC Account Shipping Information Javascript Document
function ec_account_shipping_information_update_click( ){
var errors = 0;
var first_name = document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_first_name').value;
var last_name = document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_last_name').value;
var address = document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_address').value;
var city = document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_city').value;
var state = document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_state').value;
var zip = document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_zip').value;
var country = document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_country').value;
var phone = document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_phone').value;
if( !ec_validation( "validate_first_name", first_name, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_first_name_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_first_name_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_last_name", last_name, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_last_name_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_last_name_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_address", address, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_address_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_address_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_city", city, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_city_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_city_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_state", state, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_state_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_state_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_zip", zip, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_zip_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_zip_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_country", country, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_country_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_country_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_phone", phone, country ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_phone_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_shipping_information_phone_row').className = "ec_account_shipping_information_row";
if( errors > 0 )
return false;
return true;
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - EC Account Forgot Password Javascript Document
function ec_account_forgot_password_button_click( ){
var errors = 0;
var email = document.getElementById( 'ec_account_forgot_password_email' ).value;
if( !ec_validation( "validate_email", email, "US" ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_forgot_password_email_row').className = "ec_account_forgot_password_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_forgot_password_email_row').className = "ec_account_forgot_password_row";
if( errors > 0 )
return false;
return true;
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - EC Account Register Javascript Document
function ec_account_register_button_click( ){
var errors = 0;
var first_name = document.getElementById('ec_account_register_first_name').value;
var last_name = document.getElementById('ec_account_register_last_name').value;
var email = document.getElementById('ec_account_register_email').value;
var password = document.getElementById('ec_account_register_password').value;
var retype_password = document.getElementById('ec_account_register_password_retype').value;
if( !ec_validation( "validate_first_name", first_name, "US" ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_register_first_name_row').className = "ec_account_register_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_register_first_name_row').className = "ec_account_register_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_last_name", last_name, "US" ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_register_last_name_row').className = "ec_account_register_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_register_last_name_row').className = "ec_account_register_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_email", email, "US" ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_register_email_row').className = "ec_account_register_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_register_email_row').className = "ec_account_register_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_password", password, "US" ) ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_register_password_row').className = "ec_account_register_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_register_password_retype_row').className = "ec_account_register_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_register_password_row').className = "ec_account_register_row";
if( !ec_validation( "validate_password", password, "US" ) || password != retype_password ){
document.getElementById('ec_account_register_password_retype_row').className = "ec_account_register_row_error";
document.getElementById('ec_account_register_password_retype_row').className = "ec_account_register_row";
if( errors > 0 )
return false;
return true;
function ec_account_register_button_click2( ){
var top_half = ec_account_register_button_click( );
var bottom_half = ec_account_billing_information_update_click( );
if( top_half && bottom_half ){
return true;
return false;
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - Account Order Line Javascript Document
//All Code and Design is copyrighted by Level Four Development, llc
//Level Four Development, LLC provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
//including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
//Only licnesed users may use this code and storfront for live purposes. All other use is prohibited and may be
//subject to copyright violation laws. If you have any questions regarding proper use of this code, please
//contact Level Four Development, llc and EasyCart prior to use.
//All use of this storefront is subject to our terms of agreement found on Level Four Development, llc's website.
// Base Theme - EC Account Order Details Item Display Javascript Document
function update_download_count( orderdetail_id ){
if( document.getElementById( 'ec_download_count_' + orderdetail_id ) ){
var count = Number(document.getElementById( 'ec_download_count_' + orderdetail_id ).innerHTML);
var max_count = Number(document.getElementById( 'ec_download_count_max_' + orderdetail_id ).innerHTML);
if( count < max_count ){
document.getElementById( 'ec_download_count_' + orderdetail_id ).innerHTML = count;
}// JavaScript Document
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var hasTouch = ("ontouchstart" in window);
if( hasTouch ){
var elements = jQuery( ".has-submenu" );
for( var i=0; i"+ opts.closedSign +"");
//avoid jumping to the top of the page when the href is an #
if(jQuery(this).find("a:first").attr('href') == "#"){
jQuery(this).find("a:first").click(function(){return false;});
//open active level
jQuerythis.find("li.active").each(function() {
jQuerythis.find("li a").click(function() {
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//Do nothing when the list is open
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visible = jQuerythis.find("ul:visible");
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jQuery(visible[visibleIndex]).slideUp(opts.speed, function(){
jQuery(this).parent().find("ul:first").slideUp(opts.speed, function(){
jQuery(this).parent().find("ul:first").slideDown(opts.speed, function(){
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function ec_cart_widget_click( ){
if( !jQuery('.ec_cart_widget_minicart_wrap').is(':visible') )
jQuery('.ec_cart_widget_minicart_wrap').fadeIn( 200 );
jQuery('.ec_cart_widget_minicart_wrap').fadeOut( 100 );
function ec_cart_widget_mouseover( ){
if( !jQuery('.ec_cart_widget_minicart_wrap').is(':visible') ){
jQuery('.ec_cart_widget_minicart_wrap').fadeIn( 200 );
jQuery('.ec_cart_widget_minicart_bg').css( "display", "block" );
function ec_cart_widget_mouseout( ){
if( jQuery('.ec_cart_widget_minicart_wrap').is(':visible') ) {
jQuery('.ec_cart_widget_minicart_wrap').fadeOut( 100 );
jQuery('.ec_cart_widget_minicart_bg').css( "display", "none" );
}// JavaScript Document// JavaScript Document// JavaScript Document// JavaScript Document// JavaScript Document
// This function emulates a class design. Input is the validation to do, an input for validation, and an optional country code (making this validation expandable).
function ec_validation( function_name, input, country_code ){
if( function_name == "validate_first_name" ){
if( input.length > 0)
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_last_name" ){
if( input.length > 0)
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_address" ){
if( country_code == "US" ){
//Validate the address of a US address
if( input.length > 0 )
return true;
return false;
//Validate the address for all other countries
if( input.length > 0)
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_city" ){
if( country_code == "US" ){
//Validate the city of a US address
if( input.length > 0 )
return true;
return false;
//Validate the city for all other countries
if( input.length > 0)
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_state" ){
input = input.toUpperCase();
if( country_code == "US" ){
//Validate the state of a US address
if( jQuery.inArray( input, us_states ) != -1 )
return true;
return false;
//Validate the state/province for all other countries
if( input.length > 0 && input != "0" )
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_zip" ){
if( country_code == "US" ){
if( /(^\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)/.test( input ) )
return true;
return false;
if( input.length > 0 )
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_country" ){
if( input != 0 && input.length > 0)
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_phone" ){
if( country_code == "US" ){
if( /^(?:\(\d{3}\)|\d{3})(?:\s|-)?\d{3}(?:\s|-)?\d{4}$/.test( input ) )
return true;
return false;
if( input.length > 0 )
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_email" ){
if( /^\s*[\w\-\+_]+(\.[\w\-\+_]+)*\@[\w\-\+_]+\.[\w\-\+_]+(\.[\w\-\+_]+)*\s*$/.test( input ) )
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_password" ){
if( input.length > 5 )
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_card_holder_name" ){
if( country_code == "paypal" )
return true;
else if( input.length > 0 )
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_card_number" ){
if( country_code == "paypal" )
return true;
else if( country_code == "visa" || country_code == "delta" || country_code == "uke" ){
if( /^4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?$/.test( input ) )
return true;
return false;
}else if( country_code == "discover" ){
if( /^6(?:011|5[0-9]{2})[0-9]{12}$/.test( input ) )
return true;
return false;
}else if( country_code == "mastercard" || country_code == "mcdebit" ){
if( /^5[1-5]\d{14}$/.test( input ) )
return true;
return false;
}else if( country_code == "amex" ){
if( /^3[47][0-9]{13}$/.test( input ) )
return true;
return false;
}else if( country_code == "diners" ){
if( /^3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}$/.test( input ) )
return true;
return false;
}else if( country_code == "jcb" ){
if( /^1800\d{11}$|^3\d{15}$/.test( input ) )
return true;
return false;
}else if( country_code == "maestro" ){
if( /(^(5[0678]\d{11,18}$))|(^(6[^0357])\d{11,18}$)|(^(3)\d{13,20}$)/.test( input ) )
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_expiration_month" ){
if( country_code == "paypal" )
return true;
else if( !isNaN( input ) && input.length == 2 )
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_expiration_year" ){
if( country_code == "paypal" )
return true;
else if( !isNaN( input ) && input.length == 4 )
return true;
return false;
}else if( function_name == "validate_security_code" ){
if( country_code == "paypal" )
return true;
else if( /^[0-9]{3,4}$/.test( input ) )
return true;
return false;